Effective Tips to Overcome Postpartum Depression

Becoming a parent is one of the most beautiful experiences, but it also brings along a wide array of emotions inclusive of anxiety and fear. Postpartum depression is known to affect about 1 in 7 women. 1 in 5 women keep mum about the same and hence remain untreated. You should not confuse postpartum depression with baby blues. The latter disappears on its own while the former doesn’t.

You should know that postpartum depression is a treatable disorder. The first thing you should do is search for postpartum depression counseling near meso that you can be given the necessary help. There are a number of organizations offering parental counseling in Ahmedabad and by seeking professional help you can easily overcome this disorder.

Let’s take a look at few ways in which you can overcome postpartum depression-

1. Establish a bond with your baby

You must focus on establishing a secure bond with your baby as it will affect the way the communication will take place and relationship gets formed throughout life. You can form a good bond with your baby by responding to their cues. Postpartum depression can make a huge impact on bonding so you must watch it and put efforts to establish a good bond with your baby.

2. Massage your baby

Touch can help establish a great emotional bond with your baby. Baby massage is a proven method that helps mothers overcome postpartum depression. If you don’t know how to massage your baby, fret not as you can find videos online or you can also join a parenting program for parents. These programs are comprehensive and are aimed at helping mothers fight postpartum disorder with utmost ease.

3. Skin to skin contact matters

It is advised to breast-feed your baby, but if you are unable to do so because of any reasons you do not need to get disappointed. You can formula feed your kid, but keep in mind that you should do it with your bare hands so that the baby can feel your skin. It again helps establish a great emotional attachment with your baby.

4. Take a good nap

A good sleep is no less than a good medicine. It works wonders. It becomes difficult for new mothers to sleep properly because of the baby, but taking short naps when your baby sleeps can help you overcome this tricky problem.

5. Smile

Like a good sleep, smile can also work magically for you. Smile and see the problems fading away. You will be surprised to see that million dollar smile that your baby gives you when you smile at him or her. Go out in the sunshine and fresh air whenever you get a chance. Take time out for yourself and listen to pleasant music to help your mood.

Published by We Positive Parenting

We Positive Studio has been the result of over nine years of diligent research and analysis of the issues and stress faced by modern parents. We Positive is all about building a fulfilling relationship with your child. We Positive offers a holistic ecosystem for parents looking to deal with added responsibilities associated with bringing the child in this world. Our insightful parenting concepts help you learn how to be a better parent, manage your work-life balance and starting to appreciate your child’s opinion.

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